I know I'm late but look what I'm bringing you - doughnuts! This month our host Ruth from Makey-Cakey challenge us to make something sweet with hidden veggies in it. My first idea was to make tomato soup chocolate cake. But then my kids asked me for doughnuts and I came up with this recipe. I actually found something similar in one of my cookbooks but I didn't really like their recipe. I change it a lot and came up with something really (and I mean really) special. Try it, you won't be sorry...
Potato And Carrot Doughnuts
Please scroll down for Serbian
Potato And Carrot Doughnuts
Please scroll down for Serbian
- 100gr peeled, cooked and mashed potatoes
- 200gr grated carrots
- 125ml warm milk
- 20gr fresh yeast
- 1 tsp sugar
- 1 egg
- 50gr sugar
- a pinch of salt
- 1/2 tsp cinnamon
- 4 tbsp oil
- 150gr whole wheat flour
- 150-200gr all-purpose flour
- oil for frying
- 150gr sugar
- 1 tsp cinnamon
Take some of the milk to dissolve the yeast with 1 tsp of sugar.Leave until foamy.
In a small saucepan,put potatoes,carrots and milk and heat until lukewarm.
In a kneading bowl,mix the milk/vegetables mixture,egg,sugar,salt,cinnamon,oil,whole wheat flour,yeast and adding an all purpose flour knead the dough.Cover and let rise until double.
On a floured surface, roll the dough to 2cm thickness and cut the doughnuts. Leave them to rise for 15'.
Heat the oil in a large pot, and fry the doughnuts until golden brown on both sides (fry first the side that was up). Take them out from the oil,put on a paper towel for 10-15 seconds and then roll in a sugar/cinnamon mixture.
Krofne sa krompirom i šargarepom
- 100gr oljuštenog,kuvanog i ispasiranog krompira
- 200gr sitno rendane šargarepe
- 125ml toplog mleka
- 20gr svežeg kvasca
- 1 kašičica šećera
- 1 jaje
- prstohvat soli
- 1/2 kašičice cimeta
- 4 kašike ulja
- 150gr integralnog brašna
- 150-200gr belog brašna
- ulje za prženje
- 150gr šećera
- 1 kašičica cimeta
U malo mleka rastvoriti kvasac sa kašičicom šećera i ostavite da zapeni.
U šerpici pomešajte krompir,šargarepu i ostatak mleka i zagrejte da bude toplo.
U vangli,pomešajte mešavinu povrća i mleka,jaje,šećer,so,cimet,ulje,integralno brašno,kvasac i sa belim brašnom zamesite testo.Pokrijte ga i ostavite da naraste.
Na pobrašnjenoj površini razvući testo na 2cm debljine,iseći krofne i ostaviti ih da rastu još 15-tak minuta.
Zagrejte ulje i pržite krofne sa obe strane da porumene (prvo gornju stranu). Izvadite iz ulja,ostavite da se ocede na papiru 10-15 sekundi i uvaljajte ih u mešavinu šećera i cimeta.

Koja genijalna ideja napraviti krafnice s krompirom i mrkvom. Osim skrivenih okusa, ovaj recept mami i izgledom!
ReplyDeleteOdlično izgledaju, kao obične krafne, samo mislim da su ove bolje. Kako su krafne visoko ovisne, izbjegavam ih:)
ReplyDeleteOvo je genijalno :D Ja obožavam krafne, a nikad mi ne bi palo na pamet radit s mrkvom :)))