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Štrudla sa suvim voćem
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Potrebno za testo:
Štrudla sa suvim voćem
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Potrebno za testo:
- 300gr brašna
- 50ml mleka
- 20gr svežeg kvasca
- 60gr maslaca
- 50gr šećera
- 2 jaja
- prstohvat soli
- vanila
- 150gr suvog voća (grožđe,kajsije,brusnice,smokve..)
- 100ml belog vina ili vode
- 170gr lešnika i/ili badema,oraha...
- rendana kora 1 limuna
- rendana kora 1 pomorandže
- 1 kašičica cimeta
- prstohvat bibera
- 40gr crne čokolade
- 1 jaje
- 40gr keksa (ja sam koristila spekulos,a može i petit beurre...)
- 50gr maslaca
- 50gr šećera
U toplom mleku sa malo šećera rastvoriti kvasac i ostaviti da zapeni.Umutiti maslac,šećer,jaja,so i vanilu dodati kvasac i sa brašnom zamesiti testo.Pokriti ga i ostaviti da naraste.
Za fil,iseckati suvo voće,pa ga potopiti na pola sata u vinu ili vodi.Pomešati mlevene lešnike,rendane kore,cimet ,biber,rendanu čokoladu i mleveni keks.Dobro ocediti voće,pa ga dodati u prethodnu masu.Posebno umutiti belance u čvrst sneg,a posebno umutiti žumance,maslac i šećer.U mešavinu voća dodati žumance,pa na kraju umešati i umućeno belance.
Zagrejati rernu na 180C.Obložiti pleh papirom za pečenje.
Naraslo testo premesiti,pa ga na pobrašnjenoj površini razvući u veliki kvadrat (40x40cm).Premazati koru filom (najbolje rukama),ostavljajući na 3 strane po 2 cm slobodno.Uviti koru u rolat i prebaciti na pleh.Premazati uljem i peći oko 30-35' da lepo porumeni.Prohladiti i posuti šećerom u prahu.
Dried Fruit Roll
Ingredients for the dough:
- 300gr flour
- 50ml milk
- 20gr fresh yeast
- 60gr butter
- 50gr sugar
- 2 eggs
- a pinch of salt
- vanilla
- 150gr dried fruits (raisins,apricots,cranberries,figs...)
- 100ml white wine or water
- 170gr hazelnuts and/or almonds,walnuts
- grated zest of 1 lemon
- grated zest of 1 orange
- 1 tsp cinnamon
- a pinch of pepper
- 40gr dark chocolate
- 1 egg
- 40gr biscuits
- 50gr butter
- 50gr sugar
Dissolve the yeast in a warm milk with some sugar and let stand until foamy.Whisk the butter,sugar,egg,salt and vanilla,add the yeast mixture and with flour knead the dough.Cover and let it rise.
For the filling,chop the dried fruits and soak it in a wine or water.Mix the ground hazelnuts,grated zests,cinnamon,pepper,grated chocolate and ground biscuits.Drain the fruits and add it to the previous mixture.In a separate bowl,whisk the egg white until stiff peaks form and in a separate bowl whisk the egg yolk,butter and sugar.In a fruit mixture add the egg yolk and finally the egg white.
Preheat the oven to 180C.Line a baking pan with parchment paper.
Knead the dough again and on a floured surface roll it in a big square (40x40cm).Spread the filling on the dough (using your hands is the best),leaving clean edges for 2cm on 3 sides.Roll it jelly style and transfer to the pan.Brush the roll with some oil and bake for 30-35'.Cool slightly and dust with powdered sugar.

Fino, sočno! Tako najviše volim :)
ReplyDeleteOdlično izgleda, podsjetila me je na koruški vijenac koji sam radila.
ReplyDeleteJako zanimljivo, nisam uopće ni vidjela ovako nešto, valjalo bi probati!
ReplyDeletePrefina štrudlica! Okus mogu upravo zamisliti!
ReplyDeleteSuper su ti slike draga, strudla izgleda fenomenalno, a verujem i da je preukusna.
ReplyDeleteSrecni praznici!
Divno izgleda, a mirisi mora da su fantastični!
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