Kada vam treba brz i ukusan ručak, probajte ovu piletinu.
Grčka piletina
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Grčka piletina
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- 1 pileće grudi
- 1 veći crni luk
- par čena belog luka
- 1 paradajz
- šaka maslina (crnih i/ili zelenih)
- oko 100-200gr feta sira
- so, biber, peršun, limunov sok
Grudi isecite na ne tako tanke filete. Posolite ih, pobiberite i nauljite. Zagrejte gril tiganj (ili običan nelepljiv). Ispržite piletinu sa obe strane da lepo porumeni. Izvadite piletinu i prebacite na tanjir. U istom tiganju, ispržite crni luk sečen na rebarca. Kad malo omekša, dodajte sitno seckan beli luk, paradajz sečen na trake i masline. Propržite sve još nekoliko minuta i sklonite sa vatre. Rasporedite povrće preko piletine, dodajte mrvljenu fetu, seckan peršun i sve prelijte sa malo limunovog soka.
Greek Chicken
- 1 chicken breast
- 1 big onion
- a couple cloves of garlic
- 1 tomato
- a handful of olives (black and/or green)
- about 100-200gr feta cheese
- salt,pepper, parsley, lemon juice
Cut the chicken breast in not too thin slices. Season with salt, pepper and oil. Heat a grill pan (or any other non-stick pan). Fry the chicken on both sides until golden brown. Remove from the pan and transfer to a plate. In the same skillet fry the vertically sliced onion. When it softens a little, add the chopped garlic, sliced tomato and olives. Fry for a couple of minutes and remove from the heat. Arrange the vegetables over the meat and top with crumbled cheese, chopped parsley and drizzle with some lemon juice.
Kako si i napisala brzo, fino i puno boja.