Friday, 21 June 2013

Holandske palačinke / Dutch Pancakes

Jako jednostavno, a super ukusno. Ja i dragi ih volimo sa kompotom od svežeg voća, a dečica samo posute šećerom u prahu...

Holandske palačinke
Please scroll down for English


  • 4 jaja
  • 1 šolja (250ml) mleka
  • 1 šolja brašna
  • 1/4 šolje šećera
  • rendana kora pola limuna ili vanila
  • prstohvat soli
  • 2 kašike maslaca
Zagrejte rernu na 200C. U veliki pleh  ili više malih rasporedite maslac i stavite u rernu da se otopi i zagreje. Ja sam koristila 6 malih plehova prečnika 15cm. Možete koristiti i kalup za mafine za male palačinke.
Za to vreme umutitte jaja,mleko, brašno, šećer i koru limuna. Sipajte masu u pleh. Ako koristite male plehove debljina testa bi trebalo da bude oko 3-4cm. Stavite u rernu i pecite oko 15-20'. Testo će se podići po ivicama i lepo porumeniti. Služiti odmah.

Dutch Pancakes

  • 4 eggs
  • 1 cup (250ml) milk
  • 1 cup flour
  • 1/4 cup sugar
  • grated zest of half a lemon or vanilla
  • a pinch of salt
  • 2 tbsp butter
Preheat the oven to 200C. Put the butter in one big pan or divide it between smaller ramekins. I used 6 ramekins 15cm in diameter. Or you can use muffin pan for smaller pancakes. Put the pan in the oven for butter to melt.
In a mixing bowl, whisk the eggs, milk, flour, sugar and lemon zest. Pour the mixture into the pan and bake for 15-20'. The mixture will puffed on the edges. Serve immediately.


  1. Izgledaju fantastično. Napravit ču jih što pre, jer mi se vrlo dopadaju i radoznala sam, kako če mi uspeti.
    lep pozdrav,

  2. Jako lepo izgledaju. Bas se mogu kombinovati sa razlicitim vocem i filovima...

  3. mmmmm, ja bi još dodala i malo poslastičarske kreme;)

  4. Baš zanimljivo i fino izgleda! Moram ovo spremiti i probati kad ne bude puno vruće :))

  5. ovo je tako zgodno, nisam nikad radila ali baš bi rado probala

  6. Irena, ovo jako fino izgleda. Zivim vise od 20 godina u Holandiji, ali na ovakve palacinke nisam nikad naisla. Gde si nasla recept?

    1. Onda nisu holandske :) Ovaj recept je Marthe Stewart, mada ih ima milion na net-u. Čudi me da nisi naletela negde na njih.

  7. Kako mi samo ovo promaklo.

  8. I'll never reach your perfection, but I'll still try.
    Could you tell me what am I doing wrong?

  9. Thanks for the advice on my blog. How much of dough do you think I should put into the form? One centimeter from bottom, or less, or more?

    1. Maybe a little bit more, but I think the main problem was your small dish. Although you can bake it in a muffin pan, that way you will have a cute little pancake and then you can put just a 1cm of dough. If you are make it again, let me know how they turn out this time. Maybe you can find some videos on you tube on how to make it. Best regards...
