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Griz hleb
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Pomešati vodu, mleko, med i 250gr brašna i umutiti mikserom. Pokriti i ostaviti da duplo naraste.
Dodati ostatak brašna, griz i so i umutiti ponovo mikserom nastavcima za testo. Dodati 2 kašike ulja i umesiti testo. Pokriti ga i ostaviti da naraste.
Posuti pleh palentom ili grizom. Podeliti testo na dva dela i oblikovati dve vekne. Premazati ih uljem i ostaviti da rastu još 30 minuta.
Zagrejati rernu na 220C. Na dno rerne staviti šerpicu sa vrelom vodom, ubaciti pleh, pa poprskati i hleb i rernu vodom i peći hleb oko 30 minuta. Ako hleb mnogo potamni pre vremena, pokriti ga folijom.
Semolina Bread
Mix the water, milk, honey and yeast with the electric mixer. Cover and let stand until doubled in volume.
Add the rest of the flour, semolina and salt and whisk with the dough attachment. Add two tablespoons of oil and knead the dough. Cover and let stand for 30 minutes.
Sprinkle the pan with polenta or semolina. Half the dough and shape each part into a loaf. Brush them with some oil and let stand for another 30 minutes.
Preheat the oven to 220C. On the bottom of the pan put a small saucepan with hot water in it. Put the pan in the oven, sprinkle the bread and the oven with some water and bake the bread for 30 minutes. If it browns to quickly cover with a foil.
Griz hleb
Please scroll down for English
- 250ml tople vode
- 120ml toplog mleka
- 2 kašike meda ili šećera
- 1/2 kesice suvog kvasca
- oko 400gr brašna
- 1 šolja griza (šolja-250ml)
- 1 kašičica soli
- 3 kašike ulja
Pomešati vodu, mleko, med i 250gr brašna i umutiti mikserom. Pokriti i ostaviti da duplo naraste.
Dodati ostatak brašna, griz i so i umutiti ponovo mikserom nastavcima za testo. Dodati 2 kašike ulja i umesiti testo. Pokriti ga i ostaviti da naraste.
Posuti pleh palentom ili grizom. Podeliti testo na dva dela i oblikovati dve vekne. Premazati ih uljem i ostaviti da rastu još 30 minuta.
Zagrejati rernu na 220C. Na dno rerne staviti šerpicu sa vrelom vodom, ubaciti pleh, pa poprskati i hleb i rernu vodom i peći hleb oko 30 minuta. Ako hleb mnogo potamni pre vremena, pokriti ga folijom.
Semolina Bread
- 250ml warm water
- 120ml milk
- 2 tbsp honey or sugar
- 1/2 sachet of dry yeast
- about 400gr flour
- 1 cup of semolina
- 1 tsp salt
- 3 tbsp oil
Mix the water, milk, honey and yeast with the electric mixer. Cover and let stand until doubled in volume.
Add the rest of the flour, semolina and salt and whisk with the dough attachment. Add two tablespoons of oil and knead the dough. Cover and let stand for 30 minutes.
Sprinkle the pan with polenta or semolina. Half the dough and shape each part into a loaf. Brush them with some oil and let stand for another 30 minutes.
Preheat the oven to 220C. On the bottom of the pan put a small saucepan with hot water in it. Put the pan in the oven, sprinkle the bread and the oven with some water and bake the bread for 30 minutes. If it browns to quickly cover with a foil.

Prvo sam, na osnovu fotografije pomislila kako je lep kukuruzni hleb...
ReplyDeleteOnda, čitam sastojke, rekoh gde je kukuruzna krupica ili brašno, i gledam i gledam... I konačno pogledam opet naslov, i vidim da je griz :D u pitanju.
Lepo je žut, lako me je prevario vizuelno.
Slažem se sa "Drangulije"...jako neobičan hlhepčić. Uskoro ide na isprobavanje:-)
ReplyDeleteNe znam da li je komentar prošao ili ne..super receptić uglavnom
ReplyDeleteOvo obavezno isprobavam.