Sunday 31 May 2015

kuVarijacije - Twisted Snail Buns

Ovomesečna tema za igru kuVarijacije su Twisted Snail Buns sa bloga Soul Kitchen. Nešto slično sam već pravila i iskrena da budem taj prvi recept mi se više dopao. Kod ovog recepta sam imala problem da mi se testo lepilo za podlogu, pa se prilikom rolanja deformisalo i nije mi na izgled ispalo onako lepo kao što sam očekivala. A ako bih dodatno pobrašnila podlogu, testo bi se skupljalo. U svakom slučaju, pecivo nije loše, pojelo se naravno.

Uvrnuti pužići


  • 500gr brašna
  • 150ml tople vode
  • 150ml toplog mleka
  • 20gr svežeg kvasca
  • 50ml ulja
  • 1,5 kašičica soli
  • 1 kašičica šećera
  • još malo ulja
za premazivanje
  • 1 jaje
  • malo soli
U vodi razmutiti kvasac i šećer i ostaviti da zapeni.
Pomešati ostale sastojke i umesiti testo. Pokriti ga i ostaviti na toplom da naraste.
Naraslo testo podeliti na 8 dela i svaki deo oblikovati ovako.
Poređati testo na pleh obložen papirom za pečenje i ostaviti da odmori oko 30'.
Premazati umućenim jajetom i posuti solju i peći na 200C da lepo porumene.

Friday 29 May 2015

Palačinke sa spanaćem / Spinach Crêpes

Još jedna ulaznica za ovomesečnu igru Ajme,koliko nas je! Domaćica je Snežana sa bloga Magična oklagija, a tema je spanać...

Palačinke sa spanaćem
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Potrebno za palačinke:

  • 200gr brašna
  • 1/2 kašičice soli
  • prstohvat šećera, bibera
  • 3 jaja
  • 250ml slatke pavlake (nezaslađene)
  • 200-300ml piva
  • 150gr spanaća
za fil:
  • 200gr krem sira
  • 150gr feta sir
  • malo bibera
  • oko 150gr šunke
  • 50gr kačkavalja

Pomešati brašno, so, šećer i biber. Posebno umutiti jaja i slatku pavlaku, pa dodati u brašno. Polako sipati 200ml piva i promešati. Ostaviti masu da odstoji 30'. 
Za to vreme, staviti spanać u vatrostalnu činiju, pokriti streč folijom i ubaciti u mikrotalasnu na 1'. Ako ne koristite mikrotalasnu, blanširajte kratko spanać u vreloj vodi. Dobro ocediti i sitno iseckati. Dodati spanać u masu za palačinke. Ako je masa previše gusta, dodajte još malo piva (ja sam dodala još 50ml).
Ispržite palačinke.
Za fil pomešajte krem sir, mrvljenu fetu i biber. 
Premažite svaku palačinku filom, pa preko stavite 2 režnja  šunke. Uvijte i poređajte u pleh. Pospite rendanim kačkavaljem i kratko zapecite u vrućoj rerni tek toliko da se sir otopi. Služiti toplo.

Spinach Crêpes

Ingredients for the pancake batter:
  • 200gr flour
  • 1/2 tsp salt
  • a pinch of sugar, pepper
  • 3 eggs
  • 250ml heavy cream
  • 200-300ml beer
  • 150gr spinach
for the filling:
  • 200gr cream cheese
  • 150gr feta cheese
  • a pinch of pepper
  • about 150gr ham
  • 50gr grated cheese
In a mixing bowl, combine flour with salt, sugar and pepper. In a separate bowl, mix the eggs with heavy cream. Add this to the flour, then slowly pour in 200ml of beer. Mix all together and let rest for 30'.
In a meantime, place the spinach in a heatproof bowl, cover with cling foil and put in a microwave for 1'. If you don't use the microwave, blanch the spinach for a minute in a hot water. Drain well and finely chopped. Add the spinach into a pancake batter. If the mixture is to thick, add some more beer (I added 50ml more).
Fry the crêpes.
For the filling, mix the cream cheese, crumble feta cheese and a pepper.
Spread some filling on each crêpe and top with 2 slices of ham. Roll the crêpes and arrange in a pan. Sprinkle with some grated cheese and put in a hot oven until the cheese is melted. Serve warm.

Tuesday 26 May 2015

Daring Bakers May 2015 - Lamingtons / Čupavci

It's been awhile since I participate in Daring Bakers Challenge. This month I decided I have to enter no matter what. And the challenge was great! Although lamingtons (here called čupavci) are really often made here in this part of the world and everybody will tell you that it's their favorite childhood treat, for me it's not that case. My mother don't like coconut and she simply don't make coconut cakes. So the lamingtons in my house are started to make when I began to cook. At one time I used to make it quite often, but then simple I forgot about them. The challenge Marcellina in cucina gave was great for me, but I decided to step out of my comfort zone and try something different. The result was great! For the sponge cake I used Marcellina recipe, but then I sandwich them with my homemade strawberry jam and coat them in white chocolate ganache made with coconut milk. The idea came by itself, since by the time I thought how to make lamingtons, my jam was on the stove and when I enter the pantry to grab jars for jam, there it was a can of coconut milk. If you don't like white chocolate use dark. You wan't use all of the jam from the recipe for the lamingtons, of course but I'm pretty sure you will find some other way to use it.

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Ingredients for the sponge:

  • 5 eggs
  • 225gr sugar
  • a pinch of salt
  • 150gr cornflour
  • 50gr plain flour
  • 1,5 tsp baking powder
for the jam:

  • 1kg chopped fresh strawberries
  • 500gr sugar
  • juice from half a lemon
for the chocolate icing:
  • 200ml coconut milk
  • 200gr white chocolate
  • about 150gr shredded coconut 
First make the jam. Combine the strawberries with the sugar and leave on a room temperature a couple of hours or in a fridge overnight.Add the lemon juice and bring to a boil. Cook over a high heat for 10-15'. Divide it between sterilized jars.
Preheat the oven to 180C. Line a 23x33xm pan with parchment paper.
Whisk the eggs and sugar until the mixture is pale and triple in volume, for 10'. Sift both flours, salt and baking powder over the egg mixture and carefully fold it in. Spread the mixture into prepared pan and smooth the surface. Bake for 20-25'. Immediately take the baked cake from the pan and transfer to a wire rack to cool. Cut the sponge in 5x5cm squares and then cut horizontally each square. Sandwich them together using a jam, then dip each part in chocolate icing and roll in coconut.
For the chocolate icing, combine the coconut milk and chopped white chocolate in a saucepan and warm it up over a middle high heat to melt. 


Potrebno za koru:
  • 5 jaja
  • 225gr šećera
  • prstohvat soli
  • 150gr gustina
  • 50gr brašna
  • 1,5 kašičica praška za pecivo
za džem:
  • 1 kg iseckanih jagoda
  • 500gr šećera
  • sok od pola limuna
za preliv:
  • 200ml kokosovog mleka
  • 200gr bele čokolade
  • oko 150gr kokosa
Prvo pripremite džem. Ubacite u šerpu jagode i šećer i ostavite na sobnoj temperaturi nekoliko sat ili u frižideru preko noći. Dodajte sok od limuna i dovedite do ključanja. Kuvajte na jakoj vatri oko 10-15'. Sipajte u sterilisane tegle.
Zagrejte rernu na 180C. Pleh dimenzija 23x33cm obložite papirom za pečenje.
Penasto umutiti jaja i šećer, tako da masa postane bleda i vidno naraste, oko 10'. Preko toga prosejte gustin, brašno, so i prašak za pecivo i lagano promešajte. Sipajte u pleh i poravnajte. Pecite oko 20-25'. Pečen kolač izvadite iz pleha i skroz ohladite. Ohlađenu koru isecite na kocke 5x5cm, a zatim svaku kocku prepolovite horizontalno. Premažite jedan deo džemom i poklopite drugim delom. Ubacite jednu po jednu kocku u preliv od čokolade, pa uvaljajte u kokos.
Za preliv, u šerpu stavite kokosovo mleko i usitnjenu čokoladu i zagrevajte na srednjoj temperaturi da se čokolada istopi i sve sjedini.

Friday 22 May 2015

Zaleđeni jogurt sa pečenim jagodama / Roasted Strawberry Frozen Yogurt

Brzo osveženje...

Zaleđeni jogurt sa pečenim jagodama
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  • 300gr jagoda
  • 100gr šećera
  • 1 kašika limunovog soka
  • 400gr grčkog jogurta

Zagrejte rernu na 200C. Manji pleh obložite papirom za pečenje. Jagode prepolovite ili ako su mnogo velike isecite na četvrtine. Pomešajte ih sa šećerom i prebacite u pleh. Pecite oko 7-8' da omekšaju. Ostavite ih da se ohlade.
U blender, seckalicu ili multipraktik ubacite pečene jagode sa sve sokom koji su pustile, limunov sok i jogurt i sve sameljite. Prebacite masu u aparat za sladoled ili u odgovarajuću plastičnu posudu, pa u zamrzivač. Povremeno promešajte.

 Roasted Strawberry Frozen Yogurt


  • 300gr strawberries
  • 100gr sugar
  • 1 tbsp lemon juice
  • 400gr Greek yogurt
Preheat the oven to 200C. Line a smaller pan with parchment paper. Cut the strawberries in half or if they are really big in quarters. Mix them with sugar and transfer to a pan. Bake for 7-8' until softened. Leave them to cool.
In a blender or chopper put the strawberries along with the juices from the pan, lemon juice and yogurt and blend it all together. Transfer this mixture to an ice-cream maker or in a plastic canister, then put in a freezer. Stir from time to time.

Wednesday 20 May 2015

Testenina sa ćuftama u kremastom sosu od spanaća / Meatball Pasta With Creamy Spinach Sauce

Testenina se u mojoj kući ne jede baš nešto mnogo. Uglavnom uskače u pomoć kada nemamo vremena da spremimo ručak. Ovoga puta u kombinaciji je sa mesom i sosom od meni omiljenog plavog sira i spanaća. Ovo je ujedno i moja ulaznica za ovomesečnu igru Ajme, koliko nas je! Domaćica je Snežana sa bloga Magična oklagija, a tema je spanać.

Testenina sa ćuftama u kremastom sosu od spanaća

Potrebno za ćufte:

  • 500gr mlevenog mešanog mesa
  • 1 crni luk
  • 1 jaje
  • 1 kašičica senfa
  • 2 kašike prezle

za sos:
  • 1 kašika brašna
  • 250ml supe
  • 250ml mleka
  • 100gr plavog sira
  • 100gr svežeg spanaća
  • prstohvat muskatnog oraščića
  • so,biber,ulje
  • rendana kora limuna
  • 300gr testenine

Zagrejati rernu na 200C.
Pomešati meso,sitno seckani crni luk,jaje,prezle i senf i oblikovati ćufte. Propržiti ih na malo ulja da porumene pa ubaciti u rernu i peći 15-tak minuta.
U međuvremenu pripremiti sos. Na malo ulja propržiti brašno, naliti supom i mlekom i na srednjoj vatri kuvati sos oko 7-8'. Nekoliko minuta pre kraja ubaciti sir i kuvati da se istopi. Dva minuta pre kraja ubaciti i spanać (ako su veliki listovi, malo ih iskidati u manje komadiće). Skloniti sa vatre i dodati muskatni oraščić, so i biber po ukusu.
Skuvati testeninu i procediti.
Pomešati testeninu sa sosom i poređati ćuftice. Preko svega narendati malo limunove kore. Služiti toplo.

Meatball Pasta With Creamy Spinach Sauce

Ingredients for the meatballs:

  • 500gr ground meat (beef and pork)
  • 1 onion
  • 1 egg
  • 1 tsp mustard
  • 2 tbsp breadcrumbs
for the sauce:
  • 1 tbsp flour
  • 250ml soup
  • 250ml milk
  • 100gr blue cheese
  • 100gr fresh spinach
  • a pinch of nutmeg
  • salt, pepper, oil
  • grated lemon zest
  • 300gr pasta
Preheat the oven to 200C.
In a bowl, mix the meat, finely chopped onion, an egg, mustard and breadcrumbs and shape this mixture into meatballs. Heat some oil and fry the meatballs until browned on each side. Transfer them to the oven and bake for 15'.
Meanwhile, make the sauce. Heat some oil, add the flour, cook it for a minute or so, then pour in the soup and milk and cook the sauce for 7-8'. A couple of minutes before the end add the cheese and cook until it's melted. Two minutes before the end add the spinach (chop it up if the leaves are too big). Remove from the heat and add the nutmeg, salt and pepper by taste.
Cook the pasta and drain it.
Mix the pasta with the sauce, arrange the meatballs and grate some lemon zest on top. Serve warm.

Monday 18 May 2015

Recepti sa jagodama / Strawberry Recipes

Danas za vas imam jednu lepu kolekciju recepata sa jagodama. 
Otvoreni tart sa jagodama je klasika. Ja sam ga pravila u ovim mini verzijama, ali naravno možete napraviti i jedan veliki.
Limunada sa jagodama je divno letnje osveženje.
Sočni jagoda pužići su nešto što sam prvi put pravila. Odozgo nešto kao skonsi (scones), a ispod sočni sa puno fila i soka. Možete ih jesti i tople I hladne. Meni su se čak vise dopali hladni.
Krambl će vas se možda učiniti kao nešto opšte poznato, ali u ovom slučaju mrvice su nešto potpuno drugo, bez trunke maslaca ili ulja ili bilo kakve masnoće. Da bi vam bile onako fino krckave i da ne bi odmah potamnele, koristite domaće prezle, ali na način kako ih ja spremam. Na kraju ću vam i to objasniti.
Nadam se da ćete naći nešto po svom ukusu...

 Otvoreni tart sa jagodama
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Sastojci za testo:
  • 130g brašna
  • 40g šećera
  • 65g hladnog maslaca
  • 1 žumance
  • 1 kašika ledene vode

za fil:
  • oko 300g jagoda
  • 1 kašika šećera
  • 1 kašika gustina

za premazivanje:
  • 1 belance
  • malo šećera

Za testo pomešati brašno i šećer, pa dodati kockice hladnog maslaca. Prstima utrljati maslac u brašno. Dodati i žumance i vodu i umesiti testo. Uviti ga u foliju i staviti u frižider na 30'.
Za fil, pomešati jagode sečene na listiće sa šećerom i gustinom.
Zagrejati rernu na 180C. Pleh obložiti papirom za pečenje.
Testo podeliti na 5 dela. Svaki deo razvući u tanak krug, po sredini staviti fil i presaviti ostatak slobodnog testa ka unutra. Prebaciti piticu na pleh, testo premazati blago umućenim belancetom i posuti sa malo šećera. Peći pitice oko 25-30' da porumene. Posuti ih šećerom u prahu.

Napomena: Umesto malih pitica, možete napraviti i jednu veliku,a umesto jagoda može se upotrebiti i mešavina bobičastog voća, breskve, jabuke, kruške...

   Limunada sa jagodama

  • 1,5 l vode
  • 300g šećera
  • 400g seckanih jagoda
  • 3 dl sveže ceđenog soka od limuna


Pomešati polovinu vode sa šećerom i jagodama. Staviti da proključa, smanjiti vatru i lagano kuvati oko 10'. Skloniti sa vatre i skroz ohladiti. Procediti ohlađen sirup, dodati ostatak vode i limunov sok. Sve dobro ohladiti.

Sočni jagoda pužići

Sastojci za sirup:
  • 250g šećera
  • 200ml vode

za testo:
  • 50 + 120g maslaca
  • 200g brašna
  • 1 prašak za pecivo
  • 1/4 kašičice soli
  • 70ml mleka
  • oko 300g seckanih jagoda
Prvo skuvati sirup. Pomešati šećer i vodu i staviti da proključa i šećer se istopi. Skloniti sa vatre.
Za testo, pomešati brašno,prašak za pecivo i so. Dodati kockice hladnog maslaca i vrhovima prstiju utrljati maslac u brašno. Masa treba da izgleda kao prezle. Dodati mleko i umesiti mekano testo. Na pobrašnjenoj površini razvući testo u pravougaonik i po njemu rasporediti jagode. Uviti u rolat i seći parčiće debljine oko 6-7cm.
Zagrejati rernu na 180C. U pleh staviti 50g maslaca i ubaciti u rernu da se istopi. Pažljivo izvaditi pleh i u njemu rasporediti parčiće rolata ostavljajući dosta mesta između. Pažljivo sipati sirup oko testa i peći oko 40-50' da lepo porumeni.
Izvaditi iz rerne i posuti šećerom u prahu. Prilikom serviranja na tanjir staviti pužiće i preliti sirupom iz pleha. Služiti I toplo I hladno.

Krambl sa jagodama

  • oko 700gr jagoda
  • 2 kašike šećera
  • 1 kašika brašna
  • vanila
  • 100gr ovsenih pahuljica
  • 100gr prezli
  • 4 kašike žutog šećera
  • 2 belanca
Zagrejati rernu na 200C.
U vatrostalnoj posudi pomešati krupno sečene jagode, šećer, brašno i vanilu. Staviti u rernu.
Pomešati pahuljice, prezle i šećer. Pleh (onako neke srednje veličine) obložiti papirom za pečenje, pa po njemu rasporediti prethodnu mešavinu i peći 10'. Izvaditi pleh, dodati belanca i kašikom ili rukama ako podnosite toplotu dobro sve promešajte da se pahuljice i prezle pomešaju sa belancetom. Izvaditi posudu sa jagodama iz rerne, posuti jagode mešavinom sa pahuljicama i sve zajedno pecite još oko 15' da lepo porumeni. Služiti toplo uz sladoled od vanile.

Domaće prezle

Sredinu hleba sameljite u seckalici (ne mnogo sitno), rasporedite u veliki pleh i stavite u toplu rernu da postanu krckave, ali da ne potamne. Kad se ohlade, prebaciti ih u kesicu i čuvajte u zamrzivaču.

Open  Strawberry Tarts

Ingredients for the pastry:
  • 130gr flour
  • 40gr sugar
  • 65gr cold butter
  • 1 egg yolk
  • 1 tbsp ice cold water

for the filling:
  • about 300gr strawberries
  • 1 tbsp sugar
  • 1 tbsp cornstarch
for the glaze:
  • 1 egg white
  • some sugar
In a kneading bowl, mix the flour and sugar. Add the diced butter and rub it into flour. Add the whisked egg yolk and water and knead a dough. Wrap it in plastic foil and chill for 30'.
For the filling, mix the sliced strawberries with sugar and cornstarch.
Preheat the oven to 180C. Line a big baking pan with parchment paper.
Divide the dough in 5 parts. Roll each part in a thin circle. On the middle of each part arrange some filling, then fold the edges toward center. Brush the edges with whisked egg white and sprinkle with some sugar. Bake for 25-30' until nicely golden brown. Dust with powdered sugar.
Note: Instead of this small ones, you can make one big. And instead of strawberries you can use any forest fruit, apples, plums, peaches...

Strawberry Lemonade
  • 1,5l water
  • 300gr sugar
  • 400gr chopped strawberries
  • 3dl freshly squeezed lemon juice


Mix half of the water with sugar and strawberries. Bring to a boil, lower the heat and let cook for 10'. Remove from the heat and let cool completely. Strain the mixture, add the rest of the water and lemon juice. Cool before serving.

Moist Strawberry Rolls

Ingredients for the syrup:

  • 250gr sugar
  • 200ml water
for the pastry:
  • 50+120gr butter
  • 200gr flour
  • 1 sachet (12gr) baking powder
  • 1 4 tsp salt
  • 70ml milk
  • 300gr chopped strawberries

First make the syrup. Mix the sugar and water and bring to a boil until the sugar has melted. Remove from the heat.
In a kneading bowl, mix the flour, baking powder and salt. Add 120gr of diced cold butter and rub it into flour. Next, add the milk and knead the dough. On a floured surface roll the dough into rectangle, arrange the strawberries on it and roll the dough. Cut it into
6-7cm slices.
Preheat the oven to 180C. Put a 50gr of butter in a pan and place in the oven for butter to melts. Carefully take the pan from the oven and arrange the slices cut part down in the pan. Leave a plenty of space in between. Pour the syrup between the slices. Bake for 40-50' until nicely golden brown.Take it out of the oven and sprinkle with powdered sugar. For serving, take the slice from the pan and pour some of the syrup on top. Serve both warm and cold.

Strawberry Crumble

  • about 700gr strawberries
  • 2 tbsp sugar
  • 1 tbsp flour
  • vanilla
  • 100gr oatmeal (old fashioned)
  • 100gr homemade breadcrumbs
  • 4 tbsp yellow sugar
  • 2 egg whites
Preheat the oven to 200C. In a heatproof pan combine the chopped strawberries, the sugar, flour and vanilla. Put in the oven.
For the crumble mix the oatmeal, breadcrumbs and sugar. Line a pan with parchment paper and arrange this mixture on it. Bake for 10'. Take the pan out of the oven, add the egg whites and using a spoon or your hands, if you can stand the heat, mix all together.
Take the pan with the strawberries out of the oven, arrange the crumbs on top and bake all together for another 15' until nicely golden brown. Serve warm with vanilla ice cream.

Homemade breadcrumbs

Chop the middle of the bread in a foodprocessor (not too small). Arrange the breadcrumbs on the big pan lined with parchment paper and bake in not too hot oven to become crunchy, but not golden brown. Cool completely, transfer to a Ziploc bag and keep in a freezer.

Wednesday 13 May 2015

Sremuš tart / Ramp Tart

Sremušu polako prolazi sezona, pa barem da ga ispratimo u velikom stilu...

Sremuš tart
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Potrebno za testo:

  • 220gr brašna (kod mene pola belo pola integralno)
  • 1/2 kašičice soli
  • malo bibera
  • 1/4 kašičice suve majčine dušice
  • 100gr hladnog maslaca
  • 1 jaje
za fil:
  • 1 veza sremuša
  • 200gr sitnog sira (rikote npr)
  • 50ml mleka
  • 2-3 kašike rendanog kačkavalja
  • 2 jaja
  • oko 60gr plavog sira
  • biber, malo soli
Za testo pomešajte brašnp, so, biber i majčinu dušicu. Dodajte maslac sečen na kockice i vrhovima prstiju utrljajte maslac u brašno da dobijete masu nalik na prezle. Dodajte umućeno jaje i umesite testo. Uvijte ga u foliju i stavite u frižider na 30'.
Za fil, operite sremuš, pa ga stavite u vatrostalnu činiju, dodajte 1 kašiku vode, 1 kašiku ulja i labavo poklopite činiju streč folijom. Ubacite u mikrotalasnu na 1 minut, izvadite sremuš iz činije i kad se malo prohladi sitno iseckajte.* Pomešajte umućena jaja, mleko, sir i kačkavalj, pa dodajte sremuš, malo soli i bibera.
Zagrejte rernu na 180C.
Ohlađeno testo razvući tanko, pa njime obložite pleh.* Sipajte fil, po njemu poređajte mrvljeni plavi sir i pecite oko 40' da blago porumeni. Prohladite tart pre služenja.

* Ako ne koristite mikrotalasnu, kratko blanširajte sremuš u vreloj vodi (1 minut). Dobro ga ocedite.
* Ja sam koristila jedan pravougaoni pleh dimenzija 24x9cm i tri okrugla prečnika 11cm, a može se peći i u jednom okruglom plehu prečnika 24-26cm.

Ramp Tart

Ingredients for the pastry:
  • 220gr flour (in my case half white half dark flour)
  • 1/2tsp salt
  • a pinch of pepper
  • 1/4tsp dried thyme
  • 100gr cold butter
  • 1 egg
for the filling:
  • one bunch of ramp
  • 200gr cottage or ricotta cheese
  • 50ml milk
  • 2-3 tbsp grated cheese
  • 2 eggs
  • about 60gr blue cheese
  • pepper, a pinch of salt
In a kneading bowl, mix the flour, salt, pepper and thyme. Add the diced butter and rub it in flour using your fingertips until mixture resembles breadcrumbs. Add the whisked egg and knead the dough. Wrap it in plastic wrap and chill in the fridge for 30'.
For the filling, wash the ramp and put in a heatproof bowl.Add one tablespoon of water and oil. Cover with plastic wrap and put in a microwave for 1 minute. Take the ramp from the bowl and when it is cool enough for you to handle it, chop it up.* Whisk the eggs, milk, ricotta and cheese, then add the ramp, a pinch of salt and pepper.
Preheat the oven to 180C.
Roll the dough thin and line the pan.* Pour in the filling, top it with crumble blue cheese and bake for 40'. Cool slightly before serving.

* Or if you don't use a microwave, blanch the ramp in a hot water for 1 minute. Drain well.
* I used one rectangle pan 24x9cm and three round pans 11cm in diameter. You can bake it in a one 24-25cm round tart pan.

Saturday 9 May 2015

Kolač sa limunom i makom / Lemon Poppy Seed Cake

Limun i mak se slažu kao višnje i čokolada, jabuke i cimet... Ovoga puta vam osim recepta za kolač, poklanjam i recept za limun kremu (lemon curd), jednu od najbržih i najboljih po meni. A pošto vam od ove količine ostane malo posle kolača, ukoliko je ne pojedete kašikom, možete napraviti jedan brzi dezert sa jagodama...

Kolač sa limunom i makom
Please scroll down for English

Potrebno za koru:

  • 4 žumanca
  • 200gr šećera
  • 0,75dl ulja
  • 0,75dl vode
  • 200gr brašna
  • 1 kašičica praška za pecivo
za sirup:

  • sok od 1 limuna
  • 1 kašika žutog šećera (može i beli, naravno)
  • 2 kašike limončela ili vode
za krem:
  • 50gr maka u zrnu
  • 200gr omekšalog maslaca
  • 250gr šećera u prahu
  • 6 kašika limun kreme
  • 3 kašike mleka
za preliv:
  • 150gr šećera u prahu
  • nekoliko kašika soka od limuna

Zagrejati rernu na 180C. Veliki pleh od šporeta obložiti papirom za pečenje.
Za koru, umutiti penasto žumanca i šećer, pa dodati ulje, vodu, brašno i prašak za pecivo. Lagano sve promešati i sipati u pleh. Peći 10-tak minuta i ohladiti.
Za sirup, prokuvati sve sastojke da se šećer istopi.
Za krem, prvo propržiti mak u sivom tiganju da zamiriše, pa ga ohladiti.
Umutiti penasto maslac i šećer, pa dodati limun kremu i mleko, a na kraju i mak.
Koru iseći na tri trake. Prvu koru staviti na tanjir, pa je četkicom lagano premazati sirupom. Na koru premazati polovinu fila, pa ponoviti postupak, kora, sirup, fil i završiti korom.
Za preliv, pomešati šećer u prahu sa sokom od limuna da dobijete željenu gustinu i odmah prelijte preko kolača. Ostavite da se stegne.

Limun krema

  • 100gr šećera
  • 2 jaja
  • 120ml soka od limuna
  • rendana kora 1 limuna
  • 110gr maslaca
Stavite sve sastojke u činiju koja može u mikrotalasnu. Stavite je u mikrotalasnu na 30 sekundi, izvadite i promešajte, pa opet vratite na 30 sekundi. Ponovite postupak još par puta dok se masa ne zgusne. Ako prvi put kuvate ovakav krem u mikrotalasnoj, smanjite vreme posle drugog puta na 10-15 sekundi da ne biste dobili kajganu. A ako nemate ili ne koristite mikrotalasnu, skuvajte krem na pari. Možete je čuvati u frižideru oko 7 dana.

Jagode sa limun kremom

  • 200gr seckanih jagoda
  • 4 kašike šećera
  • 100gr mlevenog keksa
  • 40gr istopljenog maslaca
  • 150gr krem sira
  • 50gr šećera u prahu
  • 2 dcl umućene slatke pavlake (mlečne, bez šećera)
  • 2-3 kašike limun kreme
Prvo prokuvajte jagode sa šećerom nekoliko minuta da omekšaju. Ohladiti ih.
Pomešajte keks i maslac i rasporedite ga u 4 čaše.
Umutiti krem sir i šećer u prahu. Dodati pavlaku i limun kremu, pa sve lagano promešajte. Rasporediti krem preko keksa, a na vrh stavite jagode. Ohladiti pre služenja.

Lemon Poppy Seed Cake

Ingredients for the sponge:
  • 4 egg yolks
  • 200gr sugar
  • 0,75dl oil
  • 0,75dl water
  • 200gr flour
  • 1 tsp baking powder
for the syrup:
  • juice from one lemon
  • 1 tbsp yellow or white sugar
  • 2 tbsp limoncello or water
for the filling:
  • 50gr poppy seeds
  • 200gr softened butter
  • 250gr butter
  • 6 tbsp lemon curd
  • 3 tbsp milk
for the glaze:
  • 150gr powdered sugar
  • a few tbsp of lemon juice
Preheat the oven to 180C. Line a big baking pan with parchment paper.
Whisk the egg yolks and sugar, then add the oil, water, flour and baking powder. Mix all together and spread on the pan. Bake for 10'. Cool completely.
For the syrup, cook all the ingredients until the sugar is melted.
For the filling, first fry the poppy seeds in a frying pan until they start to smell. Remove from the heat and cool.
Cream the butter and sugar. Then add the lemon curd and milk. Finally, add the poppy seeds and mix all together.
Cut the sponge into three stripes. Put the first one on the serving plate, brush it with lemon syrup, and spread a half of the filling on it. Repeat the process, sponge, syrup, filling and finish it up with a sponge.
For the glaze, mix the powdered sugar with lemon juice until you get a desirable density. Immediately spread it on the cake. Chill before serving

Lemon Curd

  • 100gr sugar
  • 2 eggs
  • 120ml lemon juice
  • grated zest from one lemon
  • 110gr butter
Put all the ingredients in a heatproof bowl and put in a microwave for 30 seconds. Take it out, mix and return again for 30 seconds. Repeat about 2 more times until the curd has thickened. If you have never cooked the cream in a microwave, reduce the time after the second time for 10-15 seconds. Or you can cook the curd over the pan with boiling water. Keep the curd in a fridge for about 7 days.

Strawberries With Lemon Cream

  • 200gr chopped strawberries
  • 4 tbsp sugar
  • 100gr ground biscuits
  • 40gr melted butter
  • 150gr cream cheese
  • 50gr powdred sugar
  • 2 dcl heavy cream (whisked)
  • 2-3 tbsp lemon curd
Put the strawberries and sugar in a saucepan and cook for  a couple of minutes until softened. Cool them.
Mix the biscuits and melted butter and divide it between 4 glasses or ramekins.
Mix the cream cheese and sugar. Add the heavy cream and lemon curd. Gently stir and arrange over the biscuits base. On top of it add the strawberries. Chill before serving.