Saturday 14 July 2012

Pečena limun rikota sa voćnim kompotom / Baked Lemon Ricotta With Poached Fruit

To je to,poslednji post pre odlaska na more!
Za danas,nudim vam jednu osvežavajuću brzu letnju poslasticu.Recept je iz martovskog broja magazina 'Cuisine'.
Svima želim lep provod ma gde bili i ma šta radili i čitamo se opet za mesec dana.Puno pozdrava od Irene!!!

Pečena limun rikota sa voćnim kompotom
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Potrebno za limun rikotu:
  • 400gr rikote
  • 3 jaja
  • 50gr šećera
  • 1 kašika brašna
  • rendana kora od jednog limuna
za kompot:
  • 1 kg voća (kajsije,nektarine,šljive,breskve)
  • 50gr šećera
  • sok od jednog limuna
  • vanila
Zagrejati rernu na 160C.Podmazati male kalupe za sufle ili kalup za mafine.

Umutiti rikotu,jaja,šećer,brašno i koru limuna.Sipati u modle i peći 25'.Izvaditi i ostaviti da se potpuno ohladi.
Za kompot,pomešati 1 šolju vode,šećer,sok od limuna i vanilu.Staviti da proključa,pa ubaciti očišćeno i isečeno voće.Kuvati na laganoj vatri oko 10'.Ohladiti.
Izvaditi rikotu iz modle,prebaciti na tanjir i servirati uz kompot.

Baked Lemon Ricotta With Poached Fruit

Ingredients for the lemon ricotta:
  • 400gr ricotta
  • 3 eggs
  • 50gr sugar
  • 1tbsp flour
  • grated zest of one lemon
for the poached fruit:
  • 1kg stone fruit (apricots,nectarines,plums,peaches)
  • 50gr sugar
  • juice of one lemon
  • vanilla
Preheat the oven to 160C.Butter the souffle ramekins or muffin tins.
Whisk together the ricotta,eggs,sugar,flour and zest.Divide the mixture into prepared tins.Bake for 25'.Take it out from the oven and let cool completely.
For the poached fruit,mix1 cup of water,sugar,lemon juice and vanilla and bring to a boil.Add the stoned and halved fruit and simmer for 10'.Cool completely.
Take the baked ricotta from the molds,arrange it on the plates and served with poached fruits.

Thursday 12 July 2012

Vlašac pogačice / Chives Buns

Meni ni 40 stepeni ne može ništa...

Vlašac pogačice
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Potrebno za testo:

  • oko 300gr brašna
  • 20-tak grama svežeg kvasca
  • 1 kašičica šećera
  • 150ml toplog mleka
  • 50gr maslaca ili margarina
  • 1 jaje
  • 1 kašičica soli
za fil:

  • 1 jaje
  • 150gr svežeg sira,
  • 100gr kačkavalja,narendanog
  • 1 kašika kisele pavlake
  • svežanj vlašca,sitno seckan
za premazivanje:

  • 1 žumance
U toplom mleku sa kašičicom šećera,razmutiti kvasac i ostaviti da naraste.
Posebno pomešati brašno,so,nasečen maslac i jaje.Dodati narasli kvasac i zamesiti testo.Pokriti ga i ostaviti da naraste.
Za fil pomešati jaje,mrvljen sir,kačkavalj,pavlaku i vlašac.Ako je potrebno dodati i malo soli.
Naraslo testo premesiti i podeliti na 12 dela.Oblikovati pogačice i ređati ih u podmazan pleh dimenzija 25x33cm.Dnom čaše napraviti udubljene u svakoj pogačici i staviti po punu kašiku fila.Ostaviti ih da ponovo narastu.
Zagrejati rernu na 180C.
Ivice pogačica premazati umućenim žumancetom i peći ih oko 20-25'.Izvaditi iz rerne i pokriti krpom da se malo prohlade.

Chives Buns

Ingredients for the dough:

  • about 300gr flour
  • about 20gr fresh yeast
  • 1 tsp sugar
  • 150ml warm milk
  • 50gr butter or margarine
  • 1 egg
  • 1 tsp salt
for the filling:

  • 1 egg
  • 150gr fresh cheese
  • 100gr hard cheese,grated
  • 1 tbsp sour cream
  • a bunch of chives,finely chopped
for the glaze:

  • 1 egg yolk
In a warm milk,add the sugar and dissolve yeast.Let stand until foamy.
In a kneading bowl,mix the flour,salt,chopped butter and egg.Add the yeast mixture and knead the dough.Cover and let it rise.
For the filling,mix an egg,crumbled cheese,hard cheese,sour cream and chives.If necessary add some salt.
Knead the dough once again and divide it to 12 parts.Shape each part into the bun and arrange them in a greased pan (25x33cm).With the bottom of the glass make indentation in each bun.Fill it with a full tablespoon of the filling.Let them rise again.
Preheat the oven to 180C.
Glaze the edges of the buns with the egg yolk wash.Bake for 20-25'.Cover with the kitchen towel to cool slightly.

Sunday 8 July 2012

Brownie Cheesecake

Dva u jednom! 

Brownie Cheesecake
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Potrebno za brownie:
  • 115gr maslaca
  • 115gr čokolade
  • 200gr šećera
  • 2 jaja
  • 50ml mleka
  • 115gr brašna
za cheesecake:
  • 500gr svežeg sremskog sira
  • 125gr šećera
  • 3 jaja
  • 125ml jogurta
  • vanila
Zagrejati rernu na 180C.Podmazati i posuti brašnom pleh prečnika 23cm.
Istopiti čokoladu i maslac,skloniti sa vatre pa dodati šećer,umućena jaja i mleko.Na kraju dodati prosejano brašno i sve umutiti tek toliko da se sjedini.Sipati masu u pleh i peći oko 25'.Izvaditi iz rerne i ostaviti da se hladi dok pripremate drugi deo.
Smanjiti temperaturu na 160C.
Za cheesecake,umutiti sir,šećer,jaja,jogurt i vanilu.Sipati sve preko kore u plehu i peći oko 45-55' tj. dok se sredina kolača stisne.
Oštrim nožem odvojiti ivice kolača od pleha i ostaviti kolač da se ohladi.Staviti ga u frižider na minimum 4 sata.

Brownie Cheesecake

Ingredients for the brownie:
  • 115gr butter
  • 115gr chocolate
  • 200gr sugar
  • 2 eggs
  • 50ml milk
  • 115gr flour
for the cheesecake:
  • 500gr soft cheese
  • 125gr sugar
  • 3 eggs
  • 125ml yogurt
  • vanilla
Preheat the oven to 180C.Grease and dust with flour a 23cm round baking pan.
Melt the chocolate and butter,remove from the heat and add the sugar,beaten eggs and milk.Finally,add the sifted flour and mix just until blended.Pour into the prepared tin and bake for 25'.Remove from the oven while preparing the second part.
Reduce the oven temperature to 160C.
For the cheesecake,beat together the cheese,sugar,eggs,yogurt and vanilla.Pour over the brownie base and bake for 45-55' or until the centre is almost set.
Run a knife around the edge of the cake to loosen from the tin.Leave to cool.Chill in the refrigerator for at least 4 hours.

Friday 6 July 2012

Punjene paprike / Stuffed Peppers

Paprike su mi definitivno na prvom mestu po pitanju povrća.Nije ni čudo,kad se zna da potičem sa juga Srbije.Leti ih najviše volim sveže i to mi je omiljena letnja grickalica.Ovaj recept sam videla na Food Network-u u emisiji 'Aarti Party' i znala sam da će mi se dopasti.Jeste možda malo neuobičajena kombinacija,ali je idealna.Ovakve paprike su odlične kao predjelo,ali i uz roštilj...

Punjene paprike
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  • 3  zelene paprike
  • 250gr krem sira
  • 1 manja kisela jabuka (Granny Smith)
  • 3 mlada crna luka
  • so,biber
  • 50gr tanko sečene slanine
Paprike iseći po dužini i očistiti od semenki.
Pomešati u činiji krem sir,kockice oljuštene jabuke,sitno sečen mladi luk,so i biber.Puniti paprike,pa svaku obmotati slaninom.Ređati ih u pleh i peći u zagrejanoj rerni na 200C oko 10-15'.Služiti toplo.

Stuffed Peppers

  • 3 green peppers
  • 250gr cream cheese
  • 1 small apple (Granny Smith)
  • 3 spring onions
  • salt,pepper
  • 50gr thinly sliced bacon
Cut the peppers in half lengthwise and remove any seeds.
In a bowl,mix the cream cheese,peeled diced apple,finely chopped green onions,salt and pepper.Stuff this mixture into the peppers and wrap a strip of bacon around each pepper.Arrange in a baking pan and bake in the preheated oven to 200C for 10-15'.Serve warm.

Wednesday 4 July 2012

Lava kolač sa belom i crnom čokoladom i sosom od malina / Lava Cakes With White And Dark Chocolate In Raspberry Sauce

Oh my God!

Lava kolač sa belom i crnom čokoladom i sosom od malina
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  • 200gr bele čokolade
  • 50ml slatke pavlake (zaslađene)
  • 2 jaja
  • 90gr brašna
  • 50gr šećera
  • 1 kašika maslaca
  • 50gr crne čokolade (70% kakaa)
za sos:
  • 250gr malina
  • 2-3 kašike šećera
  • 1 kašika gustina
i još za podmazivanje:
  • maslac
  • brašno
Pomešajte maline sa šećerom,stavite na jaču vatru i prokuvajte par minuta.Gustin pomešajte sa 3 kašike hladne vode.Dodajte u maline u prokuvajte par minuta.Sklonite sa vatre i procedite da se otarasite semenki.Ohladite.
Zagrejte rernu na 220C.
Pomešajte belu čokoladu,pavlaku i maslac i zagrevajte na pari da se čokolada otopi i masa sjedini.Posebno umutiti jaja sa šećerom.U istopljenu čokoladu,dodajte umućena jaja i prosejano brašno.Umutite sve da nema grudvica.
Modle za sufle ili kalupe za mafine dobro podmažite maslacem i pospite brašnom.Sipajte masu do 2/3,pa ubacite po kockicu ili dve čokolade (zavisi od veličine).Pecite 11'.
Izvadite iz rerne,ostaviti ih da odmore minut-dva,pa ih izokrenute na tanjir i poslužite odmah uz sos od malina.

Lava Cakes With White And Dark Chocolate In Raspberry Sauce

  • 200gr white chocolate
  • 50ml heavy whipping cream
  • 2 eggs
  • 90gr flour
  • 50gr sugar
  • 1 tbsp butter
  • 50gr dark chocolate (70% cocoa)
for the sauce:
  • 250gr raspberry
  • 2-3 tbsp sugar
  • 1 tbsp cornstarch
and for the ramekins:
  • butter
  • flour
Mix raspberries with sugar and put on a higher heat to cook for a few minutes.Mix the cornstarch with 3 tablespoons of cold water,add it to the raspberries and cook for a few minutes.Remove from the heat and strain to remove the seeds.Cool.
Preheat the oven to 220C.
Mix the white chocolate,cream and butter and put on the steam until the chocolate is melted and mixture is smooth.In a separate bowl,whisk the eggs and sugar.In the melted chocolate add the whisked eggs and sifted flour.Whisk until there are no lumps.
Ramekins or muffin pan grease well with the butter and dust with flour.Pour the mixture until it reaches 2/3 of the ramekins.Insert one or two chocolate cubes (depending on the size).Bake for 11'.
Take it out from the oven,leave to rest a minute or two and then invert on the serving plate.Serve immediately with the raspberry sauce.

Monday 2 July 2012

Riblje pljeskavice / Fishburgers

Da se ne lažemo-ima posla oko njih.Treba skuvati i jedno i drugo,iseckati,pomešati i onda ono,po meni,najgore-paniranje.Na kraju,kuhinja izgleda haotično.Ali,lično,mislim da vredi truda,jer je ukus zilion puta bolji nego kod kupovnih,gotovih pljeskavica.Kao i uvek,u ovakvim slučajevima,ribu kuvam u mleku čime se gubi karakterističan miris ribe.Kod dece riba spremljena na ovaj način garantovano prolazi.

Riblje pljeskavice
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  • 500gr fileta bele ribe
  • oko 400ml mleka
  • 500gr krompira
  • 3 kašike majoneza
  • 3 mlada crna luka
  • kora od pola limuna
  • peršun,so,biber
  • 1 kašika senfa
i još:
  • 2 jaja
  • brašno
  • prezle
  • ulje
U šerpu staviti ribu i naliti mlekom.Kuvati oko 5-10' da riba omekša.Dobro ocediti,a zatim ribu usitniti.
Posebno skuvati krompir,dobro ocediti,pa pokriti i ostaviti na pari da ispari sva voda.Ispasirati krompir kao za pire.Pomešati ribu,krompir,majonez,sitno seckan mladi luk,rendanu koru od limuna,peršun,so,biber i senf.Nauljenim rukama oblikovati pljeskavice.Uvaljati ih u brašno,umućena jaja i prezle.Pržiti na malo ulja da blago porumene sa obe strane.


  • 500gr fillets of white fish
  • about 400ml milk
  • 500gr potatoes
  • 3 tbsp mayonnaise
  • 3 spring onions
  • grated zest of half a lemon
  • parsley,salt,pepper
  • 1 tbsp mustard
  • 2 eggs,beaten
  • flour
  • breadcrumbs
  • oil
In a cooking pan,put the fish and pour enough milk to cover the fish.Cook for 5-10' until the fish is tender.Drain well and break into flakes.
In a separate pan,cook the potatoes.Drain,cover and let it steam to dry them out.Mash well.Mix the fish,potatoes,mayonnaise,finely chopped spring onions,grated lemon zest,parsley,salt,pepper and mustard.Using oiled hands, shape the mixture into the burgers.Dip each burger into the flour,eggs and breadcrumbs.Fry them in a little oil until slightly golden brown on both sides.