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Palačinke sa spanaćem
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Potrebno za palačinke:
Palačinke sa spanaćem
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Potrebno za palačinke:
- 200gr brašna
- 1/2 kašičice soli
- prstohvat šećera, bibera
- 3 jaja
- 250ml slatke pavlake (nezaslađene)
- 200-300ml piva
- 150gr spanaća
za fil:
- 200gr krem sira
- 150gr feta sir
- malo bibera
- oko 150gr šunke
- 50gr kačkavalja
Pomešati brašno, so, šećer i biber. Posebno umutiti jaja i slatku pavlaku, pa dodati u brašno. Polako sipati 200ml piva i promešati. Ostaviti masu da odstoji 30'.
Za to vreme, staviti spanać u vatrostalnu činiju, pokriti streč folijom i ubaciti u mikrotalasnu na 1'. Ako ne koristite mikrotalasnu, blanširajte kratko spanać u vreloj vodi. Dobro ocediti i sitno iseckati. Dodati spanać u masu za palačinke. Ako je masa previše gusta, dodajte još malo piva (ja sam dodala još 50ml).
Ispržite palačinke.
Za fil pomešajte krem sir, mrvljenu fetu i biber.
Premažite svaku palačinku filom, pa preko stavite 2 režnja šunke. Uvijte i poređajte u pleh. Pospite rendanim kačkavaljem i kratko zapecite u vrućoj rerni tek toliko da se sir otopi. Služiti toplo.
Spinach Crêpes
Ingredients for the pancake batter:
- 200gr flour
- 1/2 tsp salt
- a pinch of sugar, pepper
- 3 eggs
- 250ml heavy cream
- 200-300ml beer
- 150gr spinach
for the filling:
- 200gr cream cheese
- 150gr feta cheese
- a pinch of pepper
- about 150gr ham
- 50gr grated cheese
In a mixing bowl, combine flour with salt, sugar and pepper. In a separate bowl, mix the eggs with heavy cream. Add this to the flour, then slowly pour in 200ml of beer. Mix all together and let rest for 30'.
In a meantime, place the spinach in a heatproof bowl, cover with cling foil and put in a microwave for 1'. If you don't use the microwave, blanch the spinach for a minute in a hot water. Drain well and finely chopped. Add the spinach into a pancake batter. If the mixture is to thick, add some more beer (I added 50ml more).
Fry the crêpes.
For the filling, mix the cream cheese, crumble feta cheese and a pepper.
Spread some filling on each crêpe and top with 2 slices of ham. Roll the crêpes and arrange in a pan. Sprinkle with some grated cheese and put in a hot oven until the cheese is melted. Serve warm.

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