It's been awhile since I participate in Daring Bakers Challenge. This month I decided I have to enter no matter what. And the challenge was great! Although lamingtons (here called čupavci) are really often made here in this part of the world and everybody will tell you that it's their favorite childhood treat, for me it's not that case. My mother don't like coconut and she simply don't make coconut cakes. So the lamingtons in my house are started to make when I began to cook. At one time I used to make it quite often, but then simple I forgot about them. The challenge Marcellina in cucina gave was great for me, but I decided to step out of my comfort zone and try something different. The result was great! For the sponge cake I used Marcellina recipe, but then I sandwich them with my homemade strawberry jam and coat them in white chocolate ganache made with coconut milk. The idea came by itself, since by the time I thought how to make lamingtons, my jam was on the stove and when I enter the pantry to grab jars for jam, there it was a can of coconut milk. If you don't like white chocolate use dark. You wan't use all of the jam from the recipe for the lamingtons, of course but I'm pretty sure you will find some other way to use it.
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Ingredients for the sponge:
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Ingredients for the sponge:
- 5 eggs
- 225gr sugar
- a pinch of salt
- 150gr cornflour
- 50gr plain flour
- 1,5 tsp baking powder
- 1kg chopped fresh strawberries
- 500gr sugar
- juice from half a lemon
for the chocolate icing:
- 200ml coconut milk
- 200gr white chocolate
- about 150gr shredded coconut
First make the jam. Combine the strawberries with the sugar and leave on a room temperature a couple of hours or in a fridge overnight.Add the lemon juice and bring to a boil. Cook over a high heat for 10-15'. Divide it between sterilized jars.
Preheat the oven to 180C. Line a 23x33xm pan with parchment paper.
Whisk the eggs and sugar until the mixture is pale and triple in volume, for 10'. Sift both flours, salt and baking powder over the egg mixture and carefully fold it in. Spread the mixture into prepared pan and smooth the surface. Bake for 20-25'. Immediately take the baked cake from the pan and transfer to a wire rack to cool. Cut the sponge in 5x5cm squares and then cut horizontally each square. Sandwich them together using a jam, then dip each part in chocolate icing and roll in coconut.
For the chocolate icing, combine the coconut milk and chopped white chocolate in a saucepan and warm it up over a middle high heat to melt.
Potrebno za koru:
- 5 jaja
- 225gr šećera
- prstohvat soli
- 150gr gustina
- 50gr brašna
- 1,5 kašičica praška za pecivo
za džem:
- 1 kg iseckanih jagoda
- 500gr šećera
- sok od pola limuna
za preliv:
- 200ml kokosovog mleka
- 200gr bele čokolade
- oko 150gr kokosa
Prvo pripremite džem. Ubacite u šerpu jagode i šećer i ostavite na sobnoj temperaturi nekoliko sat ili u frižideru preko noći. Dodajte sok od limuna i dovedite do ključanja. Kuvajte na jakoj vatri oko 10-15'. Sipajte u sterilisane tegle.
Zagrejte rernu na 180C. Pleh dimenzija 23x33cm obložite papirom za pečenje.
Penasto umutiti jaja i šećer, tako da masa postane bleda i vidno naraste, oko 10'. Preko toga prosejte gustin, brašno, so i prašak za pecivo i lagano promešajte. Sipajte u pleh i poravnajte. Pecite oko 20-25'. Pečen kolač izvadite iz pleha i skroz ohladite. Ohlađenu koru isecite na kocke 5x5cm, a zatim svaku kocku prepolovite horizontalno. Premažite jedan deo džemom i poklopite drugim delom. Ubacite jednu po jednu kocku u preliv od čokolade, pa uvaljajte u kokos.
Za preliv, u šerpu stavite kokosovo mleko i usitnjenu čokoladu i zagrevajte na srednjoj temperaturi da se čokolada istopi i sve sjedini.

Prekrasni su! Odlična ideja za kokosovo mlijeko.
ReplyDeleteDivni su ti ovako bijeli s nadjevom od jagoda!
ReplyDeleteDeluju tako socno, fenomenalna ideja :)
ReplyDeleteOvo mi deluje mnogooo bolje nego onaj standardni recept. Ja sama ne mogu da kažem da mi je to omiljeni recept detinjstva. Nekako mi je uvek previše mokar kolač, tako da kažem :P Možda je samo do maminog recepta- vidim da se dosta razlikuje od ovog. /jednom sam ga jela kod tetke i bio je malo drugačiji, spolja je bio pored tog sirupa, natopljen i čokoladom :D pa je to moglo da prođe/
ReplyDeleteAli ovo da se spaja sa dzemom- eureka :D ne znam kada bi mi palo na pamet, iskreno. :D
Ooo, kako je ovo dobro! Ja se "pogubih" od vaših lamingtons/čupavaca... Ne smem ni zamišljati kakvog je ukusa ova bombastična kockica. Divno si ih upakovala <3
ReplyDeleteOdlični, novi, a stari kolač!