Opet mesimo zajedno...Testo je isto i za hleb i za pecivo, samo sam ga podelila na 2 dela i oblikovala posebno...
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Cvet hleb i cvet pecivo
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- 30-tak gr svežeg kvasca
- 1 kašičica šećera
- 1 šolja tople vode
- 1 šolja toplog mleka
- 1 jaje
- 1 belance
- 100 ml ulja
- 1 puna kašika kisele pavlake
- 1 kašika soli
- oko 800-900gr brašna
za premazivanje:
- 1 žumance
- 1/2 kašičice kurkume za hleb
- lan, crni susam ili običan susam
za fil za pecivo:
- sitan sir
U vodi sa šećerom i kašičicom brašna razmutiti kvasac i ostaviti da naraste. Pomešati mleko, jaje, belance, ulje, pavlaku i so, dodati narasli kvasac i sa brašnom zamesiti testo. Pokriti ga i ostaviti da naraste. Podeliti testo na dva dela.
Za hleb, razvući testo u krug. Prebaciti koru na pleh obložen papirom za pečenje. Na sredinu kruga staviti čašu,šolju, pa okolo oštrim nožem praviti zareze. Svaku traku okrenuti ka spolja. Polovinu žumanca pomešati sa kurkumom i tom smesom premazati sredinu svake trake. Sredinu hleba posuti crnim susamom ili lanom. Ostaviti hleb da raste dok se ne zagreje rerna. Peći na 180C da lepo porumeni.
Za pecivo, podeliti testo na manje delove. Svaki deo razvući u krug, po sredini staviti fil, pa krajeve skupiti i dobro pritisnuti. Okrenuti lopticu tako da spojevi budu dole, pa je opet razvući u krug. Oštrim nožem iseći krug na trake, ali ne do kraja, odnosno ne do sredine. Svaku traku okrenuti ka spolja. Premazati celo pecivo žumancetom i ostaviti da raste 15-tak minuta. Peći na 180C da lepo porumeni.
Flower Bread and Flower Pastry
- about 30gr fresh yeast
- 1 tsp sugar
- 1 cup of warm water
- 1 cup of warm milk
- 1 egg
- 1 egg white
- 100ml oil
- 1 spoonful of sour cream
- 1 tbsp salt
- about 800-900gr flour
for the brushing:
- 1 egg yolk
- 1/2 tsp turmeric
- flax seeds, black or regular sesame seeds
for the pastry:
- cottage cheese
In a water with sugar and one teaspoon of flour dissolve the yeast and let stand until foamy. In a kneading bowl, mix the milk, an egg, egg white, oil, sour cream and salt. Add the yeast mixture and with a flour knead the dough. Cover and let stand until doubled in size. Divide the dough in two.
For the bread, roll the pastry in circle. Transfer it to a baking pan lined with parchment paper. In a center of the circle put a glass or a cup. With the sharp knife cut around the glass in stripes. Turn each stripe outward. Mix half of the egg yolk with turmeric and with this mixture brush the center of each 'petal'. Sprinkle the center of the bread with flax or black sesame seeds. Leave it to rise until the oven is heated. Bake at 180C until golden brown.
For the pastry, divide the dough in smaller parts. Roll each part in circle. In a middle of the circle put some cheese and gather the edges. Press to seal. Put the dough on a floured surface so the edges are down and roll the dough in circle. Cut in stripes, taking care not to cut all the way to the middle. Turn each stripe outward. Brush each flower with whisked egg yolks and sprinkle the middle with some sesame seeds. Leave it to rise for 15'. Bake in the preheated oven to 180C until golden brown.
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