This month Daring Bakers' Challenge was great for me. I finally manage to make Charlotte Royal. The challenge was given by Rebecca from BakeNQuilt. Instead of Rebecca's recipe I used Anna Olson's one because I had it in my bookmarks like forever. There are almost identical, the main difference is in the amount of gelatin powder in Bavarian cream. The Anna's recipe includes two tablespoons which I thing is too much. Next time I will use only one. All in all, the recipe is good, easy to prepare and looks really elegant.
Šarlota Rojal
Please scroll down for english
Potrebno za koru:
Šarlota Rojal
Please scroll down for english
Potrebno za koru:
- 4 jaja
- 40gr šećera u prahu
- vanila
- 4 kašike šećera
- prstohvat soli
- 80gr brašna
- 1 kašika gustina
- 1/2 kašičice praška za pecivo
za fil:
- 250ml mleka
- vanila
- 4 žumanca
- 150gr šećera
- 2 kašike želatina (sledeći put ću staviti jednu)
- 300ml slatke pavlake (nezaslađene)
i još:
- džem od jagode ili maline (ja sam koristila moj domaći džem od jagode)
Zagrejte rernu na 175C. Obložite veliki pleh za pečenje papirom za pečenje.
Umutite 4 belanca sa malo soli u čvrst sneg. Dodajte 4 kašike šećera i umutite.
Posebno umutite žumanca sa vanilom i šećerom u prahu. Masa treba da duplo naraste i pobeli.
Prosejte brašno, gustin i prašak za pecivo.
U žumanca dodajte prvo polovinu brašna, pa lagano promešajte špatulom.Zatim dodajte polovinu belanca, lagano promešajte, pa opet brašno i završite belancima. Masu sipajte u pleh, poravnajte i par puta tresnite pleh o radnu površinu da eleminišite mehuriće vazduha. Pecite koru 12'.
Izvadite iz rerne i odmah prebacite na krpu koju ste posuli šećerom u prahu. Sklonite papir za pečenje i uvijte koru u rolat sa sve krpom. Ostavite da se skroz ohladi.
Ohlađenu koru premažite džemom i ponovo uvijte u rolat. Uvijte rolat u providnu foliju i stavite u frižider da se dobro ohladi.
Za fil, prokuvajte mleko sa vanilom. Umutite žumanca sa šećerom, a želatin rastvorite u nekoliko kašika hladne vode.
U žumanca dodajte malo vrelog mleka i umutite, pa sve vratite u mleko i kuvajte na srednjoj vatri oko 5'. U vreo fil dodajte želatin i promešajte da se rastvori. Pokrijte površinu krema providom folijom i malo prohladite oko 15-tak minuta.
Umutite pavlaku u čvrst šlag, pa ga dodajte u prohlađen krem i promešajte.
Poluloptastu činiju obložite providnom folijom. Isecite rolat na parčiće debljine 1cm. Poređajte parčiće rolata gusto po činiji, pa sipajte fil i opet poređajte rolat. Pokrijte šarlotu i dobro ohladite.
Ohlađenu šarlotu prebacite na tanjir za posluženje i uklonite foliju.
Charlotte Royal
Ingredients for the sponge:
- 4 eggs
- 40gr powdered sugar
- vanilla
- 4 tbsp sugar
- a pinch of salt
- 80gr flour
- 1 tbsp cornstarch
- 1/2 tsp baking powder
for the cream:
- 250ml milk
- vanilla
- 4 egg yolks
- 150gr sugar
- 2 tbsp gelatin (next time I will use only one)
- 300ml heavy cream
- strawberry or raspberry jam ( I used my homemade strawberry jam)
Preheat the oven to 175C. Line a big baking pan with parchment paper.
Whisk the egg whites with a pinch of salt until foamy, then add the 4 tbsp of sugar and whisk until stiff peaks appears.
In a separate bowl, whisk the egg yolks with vanilla and powdered sugar until doubled in volume and pale in color.
Sift the flour with cornstarch and baking powder.
Add the half of the flour mixture into the egg yolks and gently fold. Then add the half of the egg whites, again flour and finished with the egg whites.
Pour this mixture into a prepared pan, level up and bang a few times on the counter top to eliminate air bubbles. Bake for 12'.
Take the sponge from the oven and invert it on the kitchen towel dusted with powdered sugar. Peel off the parchment paper and roll the sponge along with the towel. Let cool completely.
Unroll the cool sponge and spread it evenly with the jam. Roll back again and wrap in cling foil. Put in a fridge.
For the filling, heat the milk with vanilla until comes to a boil. Whisk the egg yolks with sugar. Dissolve the gelatin in cold water. Pour in a ladle or two of hot milk and whisk. Pour back to a milk and cook over a middle high heat for 5'. Add the gelatin and stir to dissolve. Lay a piece of cling foil directly on a surface of a hot cream and let cool slightly for 15'.
Whisk the heavy cream and fold it into the cooled custard mixture.
Line a bowl with cling foil. Cut the roll into a 1cm slices and line the entire bowl pressing tightly. Pour in the filling and place any remaining roll slices on top. Cover the cake and chill completely.
Invert on the serving plate and remove the foil.

I'm glad you enjoyed the challenge! Your Charlotte looks very pretty and matches your dishes so well.
ReplyDeleteSarlota Royal je jedna od neisprobanih recepta sa moje liste zelja, a ova tvoja tako divno deluje :)
ReplyDeleteJoš je nisam pravila, ali mislim da ću se uskoro usuditi :D
ReplyDeleteJedan veliki LAJK za ove tanjire. Jako volim te motive- vezuju me za period kada sam bila mala, a prijatelji mojih roditelja su nam uvek iznosili kolače i torte na tim tanjirima... a čaj iz tih šoljica je UBEDLJIVO najfiniji.
A beautiful Charlotte, Irena! And great pictures too.
ReplyDeleteŽao mi je što nisam stigla učestvovati, ali svakako ću napraviti ovaj divan i elegantan kolač. Odavno mi je na listi želja... :) Tvoja divno izgleda!
ReplyDeleteYour Charlotte looks great! I like this classic combination of vanilla Swiss Roll and strawberries. As it is quite hot here and we are in the middle of the strawberry season, I have tried a chocolate Charlotte filled with chocolate-strawberry ice cream :-)