Thursday 23 April 2015

Lažne mantije / Fake Manti

Lažne da lažnije ne mogu biti, ali opet su dobra fora...

Lažne mantije
Please scroll down for English


  • 10 kora za pitu
  • 500gr mlevene junetine
  • 1 crni luk
  • so, biber, ulje
  • grčki jogurt
  • nekoliko čenova belog luka
Na malo ulja ispržiti sitno seckan crni luk. Kada je omekšao dodati meso,pa ga ispržiti da promeni boju.* Skloniti sa vatre, posoliti i pobiberiti. Malo ga ohladiti.
Zagrejati rernu na 200C. Pleh obložiti papirom za pečenje.
Kore preseći po dužini na dva dela.
Jednu koru premazati uljem pa preko nje staviti  drugu.Po jednoj ivici kore rasporediti malo mesa i uviti u rolat. Prebaciti ga na pleh. Ponoviti i sa ostalim korama. Oštrim nožem* iseći rolate na manje komadiće. Ubaciti u rernu i peći da lepo porumene.
Pomešati grčki jogurt sa sitno seckanim belim lukom. 
Lažne mantije služiti tople prelivene jogurtom.

* U originalu, koliko ja znam, za prave mantije meso se ne prži, ali ja po navici moram to da uradim.
* Ja sam koristila kuhinjske makaze, brže je i lakše.

Fake Manti

  • 10 sheets of phyllo pastry
  • 500gr ground beef
  • 1 onion
  • salt, pepper, oil
  • Greek yogurt
  • a few cloves of garlic
In a frying pan heat some oil. Add the finely chopped onion and fry until slightly golden brown*. Add the beef and fry to change a color. Remove from the heat, add the salt and pepper. Cool slightly.
Preheat the oven to 200C. Line a pan with parchment paper.
Cut the pastry in two by lenght. 
Brush one sheet with oil then cover with another. Arrange the meat on one edge of the phyllo and roll them. Transfer to a pan. Repeat with the rest of the dough. Cut the rolls in small pieces using a sharp knife*. Bake them until golden brown.
Mix the yogurt with finely chopped garlic.
Serve the warm manti dressed with yogurt.

* For the real manti, usually the meat isn't fried first, but I like to do it that way.
* I used the kitchen knife, it's faster and easier. 


  1. Super izgleda, nikas nisam jela mantije.

  2. Odlična ideja!

  3. volim mantije, svidja mi se ideja

  4. Bas su zgodne tako malene i verujem vrlooo "zarazne" za grickanje.:)))
