Zašto lažni? Zato jer se karamel ne sprema na klasičan način sa pregorelim šećerom, nego se fil jednostavno kuva sa žutim šećerom, pa nema onako jak karamel ukus...
Čokoladna torta sa lažnim karamel filom i rumom
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Potrebno za koru:
Čokoladna torta sa lažnim karamel filom i rumom
Please scroll down for English
Potrebno za koru:
- 125ml suncokretovog ulja
- 7 jaja
- 375gr šećera
- 50gr kakao praha
- 300gr brašna
- 1 kašičica sode bikarbone
- vanila
Za preliv:
- 2 kašike šećera
- 4 kašike vode
- 1 kašika ruma
Za fil:
- 250gr žutog šećera
- 150ml slatke pavlake (nezaslađene)
- 1/2 kašičice soli
- 150gr omekšalog maslaca
Za ganache:
- 200ml slatke pavlake (nezaslađene)
- 250gr crne čokolade
Zagrejati rernu na 160C. Podmazati i obložiti papirom okrugli pleh prečnika 25cm.
Umutiti ulje, žumanca, šećer, 200ml vode i vanilu. U masu prosejati kakao,brašno i sodu i dobro promešati. U posebnoj činiji umutiti belanca u čvrst sneg. Lagano ih umešati u prethodnu masu. Sipati u pleh i peći oko 1 sat (proveriti čačkalicom). Izvaditi koru iz rerne, prohladiti 10', izvaditi iz pleha i prebaciti na rešetku da se skroz ohladi. Ohlađenu koru iseći na tri dela.
Za preliv, pomešati sve sastojke i staviti da proključa. Četkicom premazati sve kore.
Za fil, staviti na vatru šećer, slatku pavlaku i so zagrevati dok masa ne proključa, mešajući sve vreme da se šećer istopi. Ostaviti da ključa još par minuta, pa skloniti sa vatre i ohladiti na sobnoj temperaturi. U ohlađenu masu dodati umućen maslac i sve sjediniti. Ohladiti.
Za ganache, zagrejati pavlaku do pred ključanja, pa preliti preko usitnjene čokolade i promešati da se čokolada otopi. Ostaviti na sobnoj temperaturi da se stegne.
Premazati dve kore ohlađenim filom, pa celu tortu premazati ganache kremom.
Chocolate Cake With Fake Caramel Filling And Rum
Adapted from here
Ingredients for the sponge:
- 125ml sunflower oil
- 7 eggs
- 375gr sugar
- 50gr cocoa powder
- 300gr plain flour
- 1 tsp bicarbonate of soda
- vanilla
For the syrup:
- 2 tbsp sugar
- 4 tbsp water
- 1 tbsp rum
For the filling:
- 250gr yellow sugar
- 1/2 tsp salt
- 150ml heavy cream
- 150gr softened butter
For the ganache :
- 200ml heavy cream
- 250gr dark chocolate
Preheat the oven to 160C. Grease and line a 25cm round cake pan.
Whisk the oil, egg yolks, sugar, 200ml water and vanilla. Sift in the cocoa powder, flour and soda. Whisk until smooth. In a separate bowl, whisk the egg whites to stiff peaks, then fold them into batter and mix gently until well combined. Pour into prepared pan and bake for 1 hour (toothpick test). Take it from the oven, cool for 10', take it from the pan and transfer to a wire rack to cool completely. Slice the cake in three layers.
For the syrup, combine all the ingredients and bring to boil. Brush the cake layers with hot syrup.
For the filling, heat the sugar, salt and heavy cream in the pan until the sugar has dissolved. Bubble for a few minutes then leave to cool. Beat the butter until smooth and combine with cooled cream mixture. Chill until needed.
For the ganache, heat the cream until just boiling. Remove from the heat and pour over the chocolate. Stir until the chocolate is melted. Leave to cool at room temperature.
Sandwich the cake layers with caramel filling and ice the entire cake with ganache.

Torta ubija kako izgleda! Svaka ti čast. Predivne fotke... Ovo beležim!
ReplyDeleteUhh, sto je dobra... ma oprastam joj i karamel koji nije "pravi", kad ovako izgleda.:))))
ReplyDeleteUh, kako dobra i bogata torta! :)