a stvarno jako volim da spremam ovakve pitice i pite. Probala sam puno recepata za testo, ali ovaj recept Ine Garten je definitivno najbolji. Za ovu pitu vam treba polovina testa, ali ja uvek volim da napravim i duplu meru i ostatak zamrznem.
Pita sa karamelizovanim kruškama
Please scroll down for English
Potrebno za testo:
- 170gr hladnog maslaca
- 70gr hladnog margarina
- 360gr brašna
- 1 kašičica soli
- 1 kašika šećera
- 6-8 kašika ledene vode
za kruške:
- 4 zrele, ali tvrde kruške
- 1 kašika maslaca
- 100gr žutog šećera
- 2 kašike vode
- 1/2 kašičice cimeta
- prstohvat soli
za fil:
- 3 kašike šećera
- 2 kašike gustina
- 180ml mleka
- 2 jaja
- vanila
- prstohvat soli
Za testo, ubacite u multipraktik brašno,so i šećer i pulsirajte par puta. Dodajte kockice maslaca i margarina i pulsirajte dok ne budu veličine graška. Ubacite vodu,kašiku po kašiku i pulsirajte dok se ne napravi grudva testa. Dobijeno testo uvijte u streč foliju i ohladite pola sata.
Zagrejte rernu na 200C. Polovinu ohlađenog testa razvaljajte na pobrašnjenoj površini i oblažite kalup za pite prečnika 23cm. Izbockajte viljuškom, stavite papir za pečenje i napunite pasuljem ili pirinčem. Pecite 7', izvadite pasulje i pecite još 5'. Smanjite rernu na 180C.
Kruške oljuštite, prepolovite i očistite od semenki. U šerpi istopite maslac, dodajte šećer, vodu, cimet i so i kuvajte par minuta dok se šećer ne istopi. Ubacite kruške (prvo okrugli deo) i kuvajte na srednjoj vatri oko 5'. Okrenite ih i kuvajte još 5' ili dok ne omekšaju. Na polupečeno testo poređajte oceđene kruške i prelijte filom. Pecite oko 30-35' da se fil stegne.
Za fil, umutite sve sastojke.
U tečnost gde su se kuvale kruške dodajte 2 kašike mleka i kuvajte oko 1' da se karamalizuje. Ovim karamelom prelijte pitu.
Caramelized Pear Pie
Ingredients for the pastry:
- 170gr butter
- 70gr margarine
- 360gr flour
- 1 tsp salt
- 1 tbsp sugar
- 6-8 tbsp ice water
for the pears:
- 4 ripe, but firm pears
- 1 tbsp butter
- 100gr yellow sugar
- 2 tbsp water
- 1/2 tsp cinnamon
- a pinch of salt
for the filling:
- 3 tbsp sugar
- 2 tbsp cornstarch
- 180ml milk
- 2 eggs
- vanilla
- a pinch of salt
For the pastry, put flour, salt and sugar in a food processor and pulse it a few times. Add diced butter and margarine and pulse until the butter is a size of peas. Add the water and pulse it until the dough begins to form a ball. Wrap in plastic foil and chill for 30'.
Preheat the oven to 200C . Half of the dough roll on the floured surface and line a 23cm pie dish. Prick with the fork, line with parchment paper and fill with dry beans or rice. Bake for 7', take out beans and paper and bake for 5 more minutes. Take it out from the oven. Lower the oven temperature to 180C.
Peel pears, halve lenghtwise and remove stems and seeds. Melt 1 tbsp of butter in a large skillet. Stir in sugar, water, cinnamon and salt and cook for a few minutes until the sugar is melted. Add the pears, round side down and cook for 5' over the medium heat. Turn the pears over and cook 5 more minutes or until tender.Transfer the strained pears to half-baked pie crust and pour the filling over. Bake for 30-35' or until the filling is set.
For the filling, whisk all the ingredients.
Add 2 tbsp of milk to the liquid where the pears were cooked. Cook for 1' or until it caramelized. Pour the caramel sauce over the pie.