I ja sam odlepila za pečenim belim lukom.Neverovatno koliko se razlikuje u odnosu na svež.Sladak je i blag.Sada ga trpam u sve i svašta,a danas vam nudim jednu ideju za brzi ručak...
Piletina sa pečenim lukom
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Piletina sa pečenim lukom
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- 1 glavica belog luka
- 500gr pilećih filea
- 1 crni luk
- 100ml belog vina
- 100ml pavlake za kuvanje
- so,biber,brašno,ulje
- majčina dušica (ja sam koristila suvu)
- 1 limun
Zagrejte rernu na 180C.Odsecite vrh belog luka,tako da glavica ostane cela,ali da se vidi vrh svakog čena.Stavite luk na aluminijumsku foliju,prelijte sa malo ulja i uvijte luku foliju.Pecite oko 40' da luk omekša.Malo ga prohladite,pa svaki čen istisnite iz opne.Stavite luk u činijicu i ispasirajte viljuškom.
Filee piletine istucite tako da dobijete tanke šnicle.Pomešajte brašno,so i biber i svaku šniclu uvaljajte u brašno.Ispržite na ulju,da porumeni sa obe strane.Izvadite i čuvajte na toplom.U isti tiganj,dodajte sitno seckan crni luk i pržite da omekša,nalijte vinom,sačekajte da vino ispari,pa dodajte beli luk,pavlaku i malo majčine dušice.Kuvati 1'.Sklonite sa vatre i dodajte sok od pola limuna.Sos prelijte preko piletine i poslužite.
Chicken With Roasted Garlic
- 1 head garlic
- 500gr boneless,skinless chicken breast
- 1 onion,finely chopped
- 100ml white wine
- 100ml heavy cream
- salt,pepper,flour,oil
- thyme(I used dried)
- 1 lemon
Preheat the oven to 180C.Slice off the top of the garlic,leaving the head intact,but expose the gloves beneath.Drizzle some oil over the cloves and wrap the entire head in aluminium foil.Roast for 40' until the garlic cloves are soft.Allow to cool slightly,then squeeze the garlic from the cloves into a small bowl.Mash with a fork until smooth.
Pound the chicken breast to get a thick steaks.Mix some flour,salt and pepper.Dredge the chicken breast in flour and fry in a large skillet over medium heat until golden brown on both sides.Transfer to a plate and keep warm.In a same skillet add onion and fry until soften.Add the wine and cook to evaporate a little.Then add cream,garlic and some thyme.Cook for 1'.Remove from the heat and add juice of half a lemon.Top the chicken breast with sauce and serve immediately.