Maline i čokolada! I to prava,tamna,crna čokolada! Mi smo svi bili oduševljeni,posebno zato jer svi volimo crnu čokoladu.Recept je iz magazina 'Cuisine',napravljen bez apsolutno ikakvih promena.Sirupa sa kojim se prelivaju kore ima jako puno i plašila sam se da će mi torta biti gnjecava i da će se raspadati,ali nije bilo tako.Znači,slobodno sav sirup na kore.Uživajte!
Čokoladna torta sa malinama
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Potrebno za sos od malina:
Čokoladna torta sa malinama
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Potrebno za sos od malina:
- 200gr malina
- 100gr šećera
- 2 kriške limuna
- 6 jaja,odvojiti belanca i žumanca
- 150gr šećera
- 60gr brašna
- 40gr kakao praha
- 100gr šećera
- 20gr kakao praha
- 300ml slatke pavlake(nezaslađene)
- 3 žumanca
- 20gr šećera
- 310gr crne čokolade (70% kakaa)
Pomešati maline,šećer i kriške limuna i ostaviti na sobnoj temperaturi 4 sata.Zatim staviti da proključa,smanjiti vatru i kuvati 30'.Izvaditi limun i ohladiti.
Zagrejati rernu na 170C.Podmazati i obložiti papirom pleh prečnika 23cm.
Umutiti žumanca sa 30gr šećera da masa naraste i pobeli.Posebno umutiti belanca sa ostatkom šećera u čvrst sneg.Pomešati lagano žumanca i belanca,pa dodati prosejano brašno i kakao.Sve polako sjediniti i sipati u pleh.Peći oko 40-50' (ja sam 40,a u receptu piše 50),proveriti čačkalicom.Izvaditi pleh i ohladiti.
Za kakao sirup,pomešati kakao,šećer i 250ml vode.Kuvati da se šećer otopi,pa skloniti sa vatre i ohladiti.
Za krem,staviti pavlaku da se zagreje do pred ključanja.A posebno umutiti žumanca i šećer.Polako sipati pavlaku u žumanca,vratiti na vatru i kuvati nekoliko minuta na slaboj vatri da se masa zgusne.U vruć krem dodati usitnjenu čokoladu i promešati da se istopi.Ostaviti da se ohladi.
Koru iseći na 3 sloja.Staviti prvu koru na tanjir za serviranje,natopiti je trećinom kakao sirupa,staviti polovinu sosa od malina,pa četvrtinu krema.Opet staviti koru,sirup,ostatak sosa od malina,krem i koru.Celu tortu premazati kremom.Ohladiti u frižideru sat,dva.
Chocolate-Raspberry Cake
Ingredients for the raspberry sauce:
- 200gr raspberries
- 100gr caster sugar
- 2 slices lemon
- 6 eggs,separated
- 150gr caster sugar
- 60gr flour
- 40gr cocoa powder
- 100gr caster sugar
- 20gr cocoa powder
- 300ml cream
- 3 egg yolks
- 20gr caster sugar
- 310gr dark chocolate (70% cocoa)
Place the raspberries,sugar and lemon slices in a bowl.Set aside at room temperature for 4 hours.Put in a saucepan,bring to the boil then simmer for 30'.Remove the lemon slices and reserve the sauce.
Preheat the oven to 170C.Butter and line the base and sides of 23cm cake tin.
Whisk the egg yolks and 30gr of sugar until pale then set aside.In a separate bowl,whisk the egg whites and the remaining sugar until stiff peaks form.Fold the yolk mixture through the egg whites then sieve the flour and cocoa powder and fold through to combine.Spoon the mixture into the cake tin and bake for 40-50' (the recipes calls for 50,but I bake it 40'),test with the toothpick.Take it out from the oven and cool completely.
Place the cocoa powder and sugar in a saucepan together with 250ml water.Bring to the boil,stirring until the sugar dissolves.Remove from the heat and set aside to cool.
For the ganache,bring the cream to the boil,then immediately remove from the heat.In a separate bowl,beat the egg yolks and sugar.Pour the cream into the egg yolk mix,stirring,pour it into a saucepan and return to the low heat.Stirring constantly until the mixture thickens.Remove from the heat,add the chopped chocolate and stir until smooth.Reserve.
Slice the cake horizontally into 3 discs.Brush 1 piece of the cake with third the cocoa syrup,then top it with half the raspberry sauce.Spread one-quarter of the ganache over the raspberry sauce.Repeat,second piece of cake-syrup-raspberry sauce-ganache.Finish with the final layer of the cake and ice the whole cake with the ganache.Refrigerate for 1-2 hours.