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Prženo mleko
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Prženo mleko
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- 500ml mleka
- 100gr + 2 kašike šećera
- dugačka traka kore limuna
- 1 štapić + 1/2 kašičice cimeta
- 40gr gustina
- 1 jaje
- malo brašna
- ulje za prženje
U šerpu stavite oko 450ml mleka, koru limuna i štapić cimeta. Stavite na vatru da skoro proključa. Sklonite sa vatre i ostavite oko 20'. Procedite mleko.
Dodajte mu šećer i vratite ga na vatru.
U ostatak mleka razmutite gustin. U ključalo mleko sipajte gustin, smanjite vatru i na lagano-srednjoj vatri (kod mene na 3 od 6) kuvajte masu oko 25-30' često mešajući. Masa treba skroz da se zgusne.
Pleh (može i plastična posuda) dimenzije 20x20cm podmažite sa malo ulja. Sipajte masu i poravnajte. Ne pokrivajte posudu. Kad se ohladi, stavite posudu u frižider na minimum 4 sata.
Umutite jaje. Pomešajte šećer i cimet. Zagrejte oko 1/2 litre ulja da bude vrelo.
Isecite masu na manje komade (otprilike 10x5cm), uvaljajte ih u brašno, pa u jaje. Pržite u vrelom ulju da porumene sa svih strana. Ocedite kratko na papirnom ubrusu, pa uvaljajte u mešavinu šećera i cimeta. Služiti odmah.
Fried Milk
- 500ml milk
- 100gr + 2 tbsp sugar
- 1 long piece of lemon zest
- 1 cinnamon stick + 1/2 tsp ground cinnamon
- 40gr cornstarch
- 1 egg
- some flour
- oil for frying
Heat about 450ml of milk with lemon zest and cinnamon stick until almost comes to a boil. Remove from the heat and let stand for 20'. Strain the milk.
Add the sugar and put again on the heat.
In the rest of the milk dissolve the cornstarch. Add this to a boiling milk, reduce the heat to low-middle and cook the mixture for 25-30' stirring frequently. The mixture must completely thickens.
A pan (you can use even a plastic container) 20x20cm grease with a little bit of oil. Pour in the mixture and spread evenly. Don't cover and let cool. Transfer to a fridge for at least 4 hours.
Whisk an egg. Mix the sugar and cinnamon. Heat about 1/2 liter of oil.
Cut the mixture into smaller portions (for instance 10x15cm), pass it first in the flour, then egg and fry until golden brown on each side. Transfer to a paper towel, then roll in the cinnamon/sugar mixture. Serve immediately.